Tap to Pay on phone

Transform your phone into a payment device

  • Accept contactless payments from most cards and digital wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay

  • Easy set up with just the Zettle by PayPal app

  • No extra fees

  • No additional hardware needed


Pair the card reader to your mobile device and you’re good to go.

  • Sets up in minutes

  • Connects to device via Bluetooth

  • Accepts major payment methods

  • Attach a countertop Dock at an additional cost

From £29 New business users only. excl. VAT. Delivery fees & terms apply


Combine your POS and payments with our all-in-one Terminal.

  • Zettle POS app built in

  • Connects directly to wifi or 4G

  • Accepts major payment methods

  • Include a barcode scanner at an additional cost

From £149 New business users only. excl. VAT. Delivery fees & terms apply

Offer more ways to pay

Fast access to your funds

Cut out manual work